support the show

Right now the best way to donate is via our Seed&Spark

Any donation over $25 will give you access to the recording of the show, which will be emailed out sometime after our performances in August.

Donations made through this link are not tax deductible.

Follow us on Instagram and TikTok and share our posts (when we start posting more)


AirBnB gift cards (some credit cards let you convert your points to gift cards and you could donate that way)

Any connections to accommodations in Edinburgh in August we need to house about 8-10 people. This is our biggest expense

Any connections to Facebook so I can get my hacked account back

Housing accommodations in NYC

Fiscal sponsorship through a non-profit so we can make donations tax-deductible

Video editing

Help making this website better

PR help - writing Press releases, editing, brainstorming, etc

Any other creative or logistical help you’re willing to offer 

Or if you have a service you’d like to donate so we can offer it in exchange for donations, please contact us

thank you for supporting the arts